Wednesday, March 21, 2012

58!!! wow

I've been blog slacking.. Big time!!!(you too Selina)

The last two weeks flew by.  I've lost a total of 12.8 lbs.  I have been eating healthy, but I  feel like I can eat healthier.  I need to add more veggies to my meals.  I also feel like there are times I come home and I should grab a fruit, but instead grab chips and salsa.  My goal for the next few weeks is to add more fruits and veggies.

During the 90 day transformation I decided to stop drinking. I have to say, I've been more productive on weekends.  I'm not wasting any days by a toilet bowl or exhausted.  I  did decide to drink on St. Patrick's day.  St. Patrick's day was a blast, but stepping on the scale two days later was not.  St. Patrick's day week I lost .8 lbs.  That was the worst I have done since I started.  I know it  was a loss, and I am happy about that.  I was just upset because I killed myself at the gym. Makes me think if it was really worth it...

 I am starting to take spin classes on a regular basis.  It's such a great workout. One spin instructor pushes everyone  like I've never seen before.  He is very inspirational and I've done things I never thought I can do.  I will continue to go to his classes even though I leave with a purple face(so worth it).

This healthy thing is starting to feel really good, especially because I am able to do things I couldn't do on day 90. As embarrassing as it is,  I was having trouble tying my shoes,  sitting with my legs crossed, walking on the treadmill, and going up a flight of stairs.  I can now do those things now and my workout at the gym has becoming more intense each time I go.

Another thing that makes me feel good and keeps me going is all the compliments I've been getting.  I feel like 12.8 isn't even that much, but I have had lots of complements from coworkers (who didn't know I was even trying to loose weight) and my roommates.  It always feels nice when someone recognizes something that you've been working so hard for. 

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