Sunday, February 26, 2012


This past week I have been exercising and eating very healthy. I am proud of myself.  I am very eager to weigh in tomorrow.   Yesterday I started taking raspberry keytone in the morning and eating golden berries with my diet.  Both are suppose to be very healthy and helpful for losing weight (research if you're interested)... We will see.

Although I had a very successful week, I did run over a few bumps in the road.  My biggest challenge this week was staying positive in situations that I came across.  

Situation #1: The first challenge was the realization of how out of shape I am.  Seeing my weight was discouraging but then to actually go to the gym and realize how out of shape I was, really was a struggle for me.  I became out of breath very easily, I wasn't able to to walk as fast as I use to, and I wasn't able to do certain stretches anymore. I am 26 years old, this is not the life I want.  So instead of being sad about it, I pushed myself at the gym.  I did a little more each day.  I went to classes even though I was embarrassed because of the way I looked and because I knew I might have to stop if it gots to difficult.  But I did it, and I will continue to do it!

Situation #2: So this week I was feeling great.  I was eating healthy, exercising, sleeping longer and having a lot more energy than before.... and then two of my pairs of pants rip.  That's right, TWO pairs of pants. It was hard enough staying positive after my first pair of pants ripped, but then for a second to rip... it was upsetting.  I decided not to focus on my ripped pants. I had an "Oh well" attitude and took it as an excuse to go shopping.

Situation #3:  Considering I am down two pairs of pants, I went shopping today. I knew after a week of being healthy, I wasn't going to walk in a store and suddenly fit into everything. I always hated going into the fitting room and looking at all the clothes not fit me in the mirror.  Today while I tried clothes on I started to get upset but then realized that I need to accept me for me.  I need to be okay with who I am and focus on what I want to look like.  Not only focus, but believe I can do.

I do believe I can do it!  I have been having a very positive attitude this week and believe it helps me through out the day to stay of track.  I am focused and know what I want.  Having people around me that are supportive and praising me for my accomplishments is helping me stay focused as well, THANK YOU!

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