Saturday, February 18, 2012


I'm back....... But this time I am not alone! My best friend Michele is going to join me in chronicling weight loss efforts on the good old 90 day countdown blog. Michele and I have been friends since elementary school, and for years and years we have both struggled with the ups and downs of weight loss. I had great success last year when I made a 90 day commitment to myself, so this time we both hope to kick start healthy lifestyle changes by making a 90 day commitment to ourselves and each other.

Personally, I am in a much better place than when I began my journey last year. I have gained a bit of the 34 lbs I lost back, but I still kept a good chunk of it off. If I have even half of the success I had last year, I will be very satisfied with the end result.

I have a few ultimate goals for these 90 days:

1) Be able to do more of the things I love. To elaborate, my closest friends in Albany go on weekly hiking trips that I never feel comfortable joining them on. I have only been hiking a few times in my life, and I found it extremely challenging to go miles uphill... But it is so incredibly beautiful and peaceful once you reach your destination. My friends are all in perfect shape and I haven't wanted to hold anyone back or embarrass myself by trying to go on these hikes with them. The whole thing is kind of ridiculous. For my own happiness, I want to be physically fit enough to do all of the things I want to do, specifically I want to be able to go hiking with my friends without having to worry about my ability to do so.

2) Drop at least one full dress size. I don't mean that I want to squeeze into the next size down. I mean I really want to know that I can walk into ANY store and pick up jeans in a size smaller than I am now and know with 100% certainty that they will fit. I recently ordered a bridesmaid dress for a wedding, and when I picked it up over the weekend it was so uncomfortably tight that I would never go in public in it the way it currently fits. I have a little over three months before this wedding, and I want this dress to look great on me, and I want to feel really confident wearing it.

3) Prove to myself that I can pick up where I left off with the healthy habits I developed last year in spite of the fact that I have made a lot of very unhealthy choices over the last few months.

4) I have a weight loss goal of 25 lbs.


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